The intention of this site is to support as many people as possible in creating a habit of practice. For 40 consecutive days, anyone who wants to can commit to a minimum of 10 minutes of asana. I will offer daily sequences here, something quick for busy days and a longer practice for when you have more time. Our start date is February 16, otherwise known as Fat Tuesday.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Home Practice Initiative

This is my alternate title for the 40 day yoga challenge. I think that it sounds very Driftless region. We are all about initiatives here. For those of you not from the area, the Driftless is the home of our quaint little hamlet of Viroqua. We love it here. And we love it even more when we are doing oodles of great yoga!

So tomorrow is the last day before we begin. It is my plan to put up posts the night before so that those of you who like to wake up early to practice do not have to wait.

I want to mention a few things that you will need for these practices and some other optional items. You need a mat. If you do not already have a yoga mat, they are pretty easy to come by. even if you live here. Most health food stores stock them, and in Viroqua I am pretty sure that you can pick one up at the VMH Wellness Center. (If you are stumped on this, or on any of the other props, let me know and I can help- I have a whole studio disassembled in my living room...) It would be great to have a blanket and a strap and a block. These can also be improvised in a pinch. I am used a shirt for a strap, a towel for a blanket, and a box for a block. But if you are interested in using the real thing (and live in town) again, let me know.

One last thing. A timer. I love to time holds when I practice. It builds strength and it helps me to stay focused. This is the kind that I love. But I have been using a regular 'ol kitchen timer for years. Oh well. It works.

So many people have expressed interest in taking the challenge. I really think that the more people that get involved, the more support that we will all feel and also the more momentum we will build as a community. So please, become a "follower" and put up a picture so that we know who you are and leave a comment after you practice. Let's get connected.


  1. Okay...I'm in. I need to climb back up on the yoga wagon...this will be perfect.

    thanks, Meg

  2. Wahoo Anne! Nothing like just deciding to make a habit of it.

  3. I used to give up chocolate for lent. This sounds much better. Thanks for helping Meg! Here goes.

  4. Yippie Miss Carrie. Much better I think as well.
