The intention of this site is to support as many people as possible in creating a habit of practice. For 40 consecutive days, anyone who wants to can commit to a minimum of 10 minutes of asana. I will offer daily sequences here, something quick for busy days and a longer practice for when you have more time. Our start date is February 16, otherwise known as Fat Tuesday.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day 3

Even though it is Wednesday night. But I turn in soon, and I really want to make sure that this is up for any of you crazy folks up before me. That is early. Or for any friends on the East Coast.

I thought that I would put up a sequence that I use a lot in my practice with a few small changes. In fact, I just finished doing these very poses in front of my wood stove.

1 minute each:
Adho Muhka Svanasana
Parivritta Trikonasana
Parivritta Parsvakonasana

Supta Virasana (5 minutes- again, if you do not practice this pose, do ardha bhekasana)

1 minute each:
Janu Sirsasana
Triang Muhkaikapadapascimottansana
Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana (or Janu Sirsasana again if you are not doing lotus)
Marichyasana 1


I really do this all of the time but I add in some inversions. You are welcome to do this if you practice them regularly. I put sirsasana (headstand) at the beginning anywhere from 5-10 minutes, and Sarvangasana (shoulderstand) at the end for the same amount of time. This turns a 25 minute practice into more like a 45 minute one.

Let me know how it is going. Some of you have expressed frustration at having to spend so much time looking up the poses. Hang in there. Everything will keep getting more familiar. And if you are short on time you can always do a sequence that you have all set for yourself. I am going to put up a video clip of a sequence this weekend and that should be a big help.

Leave me your comments and have fun!


  1. I find it really helpful to look up everything I don't know first. So that once I start I can stay more "in the zone" not having to deal with my computer and highlighting, copy, etc.

    I also bought a 5 dollar digital kitchen timer. It surprises me that the minute is up before I would have I thought I was always cheating myself cutting out early on poses when I practiced alone! Ha!

    Speaking of cutting and pasting...could not find exact def. of Triang Muhkaikapadapascimottansana I am guessing some sort of seated twist... user error I'm sure..

    Thanks MEG!!! I am loving this!

  2. The pose is one leg in virasana, the other leg extended, and a forward fold over the straight leg. Definitely look them all up before you begin, that is the way. Fo Sho.
    You are rockin' it girl. Keep it up.

  3. Okay it works. Here I was interesting experience for the day....I was doing trikonasana and I realized that I was a triangle. Pretty cool!
    And after only four days of doing yoga and am very interested in the difference in my body. I felt it in particular in the way I am sitting at the end of practice. I am really excited to see where this 40 days is going to lead me.

    And I love Meg.

  4. Last comment-sorry. Kae, Where did you get your timer?

  5. I love Amy.
    You can probably pick one up at Nelson's. Hey, if a group of folks is interested in ordering a sportline timer (I would like to) shipping is free for over $75. They are $20 each....

  6. Ok, I realize it's day three, and maybe a little late to be saying this, but YAY, I got through the whole sequence....with no interuptions! My legs are feeling a bit like jello and will certainly be sore tomorrow, but right now I feel invigorated...and tired at the same time.
    I also wanted to mention that I can hear your voice telling me to spread my toes, keep my shoulder blades on my back, and side body long inner body bright...thanks Meg!
