The intention of this site is to support as many people as possible in creating a habit of practice. For 40 consecutive days, anyone who wants to can commit to a minimum of 10 minutes of asana. I will offer daily sequences here, something quick for busy days and a longer practice for when you have more time. Our start date is February 16, otherwise known as Fat Tuesday.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Day 12

Good Morning! I am at some fancy Madison hotel with my kids and fella. Eider is snoozing, Maple and Papa are swimming, and I am checking in here before getting ready to head for a day of yoga with Sianna Sherman. A day of yoga. How nice is that? I have been looking forward to this for awhile, not only because a weekend workshop in Wisconsin is not so frequent of a happening, but this is Sianna's first time teaching in our lovely state and it has been a long time coming! The lovely ladies at Main Street Yoga here in Madison have been making every effort to get her here for over 5 years at this point. Thank you so much Barbara and Iris!

So, if you are not down here already and I am not about to see you in an hour, it is still not too late to hop into your car and head down here for the afternoon session that starts at 3. It will be so great that you will want to stay the night and wake up for her 7 am practice tomorrow (which really should be old hat for those of you who have been doing that with me for the better part of a year). Then you can just check off your practice for today and tomorrow and there you have it, it is a done deal!

But if I have not succeeded in convincing you yet, or you are otherwise unavailable, how about a little something to whet your yoga whistle today? Twists anyone?

AMV (childs)
AMS (down dog)
Parivritta Trikonasana
Parivritta Parvakonasana
Twisted Uttkatasana
Lunge, with a twist and a thigh stretch
Parivritta Ardha Chandrasana

Janu Sirsasana
Ardha Matseyandrasana
Marichyasana 1 twisting stage
Marichyasana 3
Bharadvajasana 2


1 minute each/side
feel free to repeat a pose more than once a side, especially the seated poses.
Doesn't this look like such a blast? Think around 40 minutes.


  1. thanks for this.... I was doing twists naturally this morning, then I read this post.... Ahhhhh ;)

  2. Thank you for the twists. Perfect. Wish I was in Madison.... but alas I am here. Sun though, and after work a run outside before yoga...stop yer blubbering Kae, this sounds pretty good.

  3. Awww. Ladies.
    I had thought that I might put up one of the sequences that we did today with Sianna, but when I look at my notes, maybe not. It is a better in person kind of a thing. So, if ya want it, come to class this weeks ya'll!
