The intention of this site is to support as many people as possible in creating a habit of practice. For 40 consecutive days, anyone who wants to can commit to a minimum of 10 minutes of asana. I will offer daily sequences here, something quick for busy days and a longer practice for when you have more time. Our start date is February 16, otherwise known as Fat Tuesday.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 14

Awake. And thinking about practice. For me that is sort of like the perpetual state of "pre-practice". Christina once said that preparing a theme for a class was a lot like a bird circling around something coming closer and closer, taking your time. I think that I feel like that in relationship to a lot. That there is a part of me that is always in the context of practice in one way or another. I certainly spend a lot of time thinking about it, but that is not all that I mean. I put a great deal of dedication toward my behavior being something that is supportive of my practice, something that leads me there. This is perhaps obvious and most likely a much longer conversation, but there you have it.

Those of you that went down to Madison have been sharing how fantastic your experience was over the weekend. And let me tell you, it is self-evident (but I love to hear about it too). Everyone had such a beautiful luster in their eyes and smooth richness to their voices, it was like you could see the cellular make-up of these people moving and shifting around, coming into an expanded harmony. Let's just say that the inspiration was vast. We will all continue to be affected by the Grace that Sianna brings for many days to come.

So what shall we do today?

Urdhva Hastasana with thumbs hooked
Surya Namaskar A 3x with some extended time spent in Cobra
Surya Namaskar B 1x long uttkatasana
Handstand (find some wall space)
Lunge with a thigh stretch 3x
Pigeon with a thigh stretch
Setubandasana (if there are some variations that you want to do, go for it)
Urdhva Dhanurasana

and then for fun:
Uttana Padasana to Urdhva Dhanurasana



  1. I'm just feeling the need to check is a monday and reflection was mentioned last week. I've missed several days of pracice, but I keep coming back to it. Everytime I do, I feel the wonderful calming affect on my mind. For more than 5 years, I've struggled to manage my PTSD symptoms, and regular yoga practice is one of the few things that can lighten my heart and ease my mind.
    Meg, thank you so much for posting this challenge. Finding time to come to town for a class can be difficult. With the ability to do it at home, I'm feeling super blessed these days :)

  2. Jillian, you are doing great. We all miss days. It is the continual return that counts.
