The intention of this site is to support as many people as possible in creating a habit of practice. For 40 consecutive days, anyone who wants to can commit to a minimum of 10 minutes of asana. I will offer daily sequences here, something quick for busy days and a longer practice for when you have more time. Our start date is February 16, otherwise known as Fat Tuesday.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Day 13

Here is some inspiration for us this morning:

Back in 1996-97, Sianna Sherman and a group of friends committed to getting together Monday-Friday for one year, at 5 am for 30 minutes of meditation and 2 hours of silent asana practice. She said that the year changed her life, and that the friends that she did this with are still her best friends.

She shared this little gem with us this morning during practice, and I could not help thinking, How Timely! And it was more fuel toward all of my inspiration for practice as a community sanctuary and my eventual desire for us to be able to come together in person and not just through the ether's.

I actually got inspired about a great many things, one of them being the June workshop with Christins Sell that we will be hosting in Viroqua again this summer. So many people that we there this weekend from all over told me they were going to make the trip this summer. It should be a great group, it sure was this weekend.

So, when I get home later today, I am going to add a few tidbits to the sidebar. Helpful and inspiring little morsels for you.

For now. Here are a few poetic, grace infused, delights from this morning.

plank (eka pada, eka hasta)
Surya Namaskar A 3x
Surya Namaskar B 1x (long Uttkatasana)
Garudasana to Vira 3 to Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana
Parsvottansana with the ball of the foot up to UPEP again
Wild thing
Pigeon to Mermaid

that should do for today. I will lead most of the sequence that we did this morning with Sianna at next Sunday's practice.


  1. Thanks for the practice, Meg! I feel so great after this weekend with Sianna. It was so inspiring on so many levels.
    Usually after a workshop I feel like taking a day off, but this time I feel like I never want to skip a day!(even with three sets of eyes watching me and practicing amongst toys) I wasn't sure about Parsvottanasana with ball of foot in UPEP-I just did one and then the other. Also, what is mermaid?

  2. ooooo.....details! Yep, lots of super inspired practice ahead this week. I will let you know the details on all of the amazing flows. Sianna is a poet, weaver, magician, devi, light. Love her.

  3. Ditto Kristina. Thanks for the push to go, Meg, I have never felt like this coming out of an intensive before. Sianna brought a magic to this practice that helped throw logs on the fire already sparked by you. Btw, she told me we were in very good hands with you here in V-town, and don't we know it. Pushing through the soreness, doing the evening list! See you tomorrow in class~

  4. Erin, beautiful. I am so glad that you came.

  5. sf, I do. Thanks for the link. Great resources for all practitioners. Are you in on 40 days?
