Sunday is traditionally one of my longer practice days of the week. Probably because it is the one day that I practice with other people and we hold each other there much more easily. So, I am going to give you the sequence that I will be doing in the morning. You can take it or leave it or just do some of it (or better yet come and practice the very same thing in community at 7 am in the morning.)
This is a sequence that we did at a workshop that I attended when I was pregnant with Eider. I loved it then and I love it now. But then again, the teacher was THE TEACHER and he is pretty much brilliant at all things including teaching a phenomenal class with a phenomenal sequence.
Adho Muhka Svanasana
Pigeon prep
the following poses in a Vinyasa:
Virabadrasana 2
Virabadrasana 1
Ardha Chandrasana to Trikonasana
Parivritta Trikonasana
Parivritta Parsvakonasnana
Janu Sirsasana
Ardha Matseyandrasana
Triang Muhk Aikapadapaschimottanasana
Bharadvajasana 2
Uppavista Konasana
Parsva Uppavista Konasana
Hanumanasana 3x
Ardha Baddha Uttanasana
Standing Kurmasana
Supta Tadasana
Supta Padangustasana 1,2,4
Yoga Dandasana 2x
Gets kind of crazy there at the end. Do what you can. Or go back and snag something from a previous day. That is the great thing. You should have a little folder building of possible practices. Love it. Rock on Yogins! And do not forget to check in.
No comments? I am the last one standing? I have to say I am a bit sore, but it has been awesome so far.
ReplyDeleteYogi Dandasana was really optional. Did I mention that? Even though Kathy, Anna Jo and Judy totally rocked it!
ReplyDeleteSo sorry to have missed this awesome practice!
ReplyDeleteI have been sick as a dog...all those sleepless nights finally got me. I have been doing yoga every day in some way or another,though. Hopefully the worst is over and I'll be back in action. Tomorrow is my birthday...Sun salutations anyone??Maybe later in the week when I'm well.
Hope your kids are better,Meg.
Hi Meg,
ReplyDeleteA bit late, but can you please clarify what Ardha Baddha Uttanasana is? thanks!