I have a confession. I have not practiced for a couple of days. I hope that that does not kill anybody's moral. I have been pretty sick and Chris has been away extra this week and well, basically all that I want to do when I have a moment is lie down and close my eyes. If you want to think of it as me doing savasana you are welcome to, even though I most certainly I am not. Desperately praying, maybe. Savasana, not a chance. Also, I am really trying to feel better for this weekend.
Today is Flow Friday. Which I personally love as a concept. Get on your mat and go kind of a thing. Just breathe. Unwind to your breath and your body. Let loose. Love yourself. Celebrate the unique gift of you. (You get the point. I could keep going...)
So, go for it. Try to be on your mat for 20 minutes minimally. And please check in. No loss of morale!
Hang in there Meg! I had a couple of days where my entire practice was child's pose and even that hurt. I will see you later though,right? Nothing like being thrown into the fire..Today is my first semi not sick day.
ReplyDeleteTake a hot bath!
ReplyDeleteI am missing tonight. Sad Face big time. Chris is working and so I have the kids.
Bath. Definitely.